Episode II Characters

Anakin Skywalker
Actor: Hayden Christensen
Anakin is now 19 and is still the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi. In Episode II he is assigned to protect Padme from potential assasinations and accompanies her across the galaxy.
Bail Organa
Actor: Jimmy Smits
Bail Organa, Princess Leia's adopted father, will make a brief appearance in Episode II with more screen time in Episode III.
Actor: Anthony Daniels
We catch up with C-3PO again on Tatooine, still owned by Shmi. C-3PO finally gets a new exterior, but it is battered and dirty. Still a ways to go before the golden version!
Jar Jar Binks
Actor: Ahmed Best
Jar Jar makes another appearance in Episode II, this time helping to represent the Gungans for Naboo in the Senate.
Actor: Silas Carson
This Coneheaded Jedi Council member will have significantly more screen time, and action, then he did in Episode I.
Mace Windu
Actor: Samuel L. Jackson
Head of the Jedi Council, Mace Windu will have a spectacular lightsaber battle against a deadly foe
Nute Gunray
Actor: Silas Carson
Nute returns for more evil doings in Episode II, courtesy of the Trade Federation. Why are these guys still in business? Is now a separatist allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Actor: Ewan McGregor
Jedi Master for Anakin, Obi-Wan is older, wiser, and harier than he was in Episode I. Obi-Wan splits up from Anakin to pursue an investigation for the Jedi Council. It doesn't take long for him to get in over his head.
Padme Amidala
Actor: Natalie Portman
No longer Queen of Naboo, Padme now represents her people as a Senator on Coruscant. The problem is someone wants her dead. As she travels around the galaxy with Anakin, we learn more about her family and background when she takes him home to Naboo
Actor: Ian McDiarmid
Still sticking to his evil ways, Palpatine manipulates the Senate to do his bidding and start the Clone Wars
Jango Fett
Actor: Temeura Morrison
The original warrior that the clones in Episode II are made from. Wearing a blue and silver version of Boba Fett's Mandalorian armor, Jango Fett is more than a match for Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, or any other Jedi that may cross his path. He works for Count Dooku in this film
Shmi Skywalker
Actor: Pernilla August
Sio Bibble
Actor: Oliver Davies
Actor: Andy Secombe
Actor: Frank Oz
Expect to see Yoda in some serious action in Episode II. We will see why he's the Master