1. Who is Chewbacca's father?
2. Bria Tharen is a former girlfriend of whom?
3. Which pair of droids helped Han Solo, Chewbacca and Jessa in their mission to Stars' End, in the Corporate Sector?
4. Who was the last Sorcerer of Tund, what species was he and who killed him?
5. Apart from Mara Jade, name another of the Emperor's Hands.
6. Admiral Ivpikkis was the commander of which task force?
7. What was Tanith Shire's occupation, and who or what kept her people enslaved?
8. Who was Mon Julpa, and by what other name was he known?
9. Who was Commander Silver Fyre before she joined the Alliance, and where and when did she decide to join the Alliance?
10. Name three of Chewbacca's cousins.
11. Name the seven Houses of Ammund.
12. Who was Tnun Bdu, and how was he killed?
13. Sabador owns a pet shop on which planet?
14. Which member of the Towani family was the only survivor of their marooning on the Forest Moon of Endor?
15. What was the name of Padme Naberrie Amidala's grandmother, and when did she die?
16. Droopy McCool, Max Rebo and Sy Snootles are three members of Rebo's band. To what species did the fourth member belong, and which planet did he come from?

1. How and where was the Eclipse II destroyed?
2. What is the starfighter capacity of Home One?
3. What is the legend about the Queen of Ranroon, and what was its real cargo?
4. What is the Lady of Mindor, and from where to where did Han Solo and Fiolla of Lorrd travel on the ship?
5. What feature of the Aramadia-class thrustship makes it so durable?
6. How long is a Ssi-Ruuvi Swarm-class starfighter?
7. How many AT-AT walkers are carried by an Imperial-II class Star Destroyer?
8. Demma and Kea Moll led a team of guerrillas to destroy which of Sise Fromm's weapons satellites in orbit around the planet Annoo?
9. Who owns the Starlight Intruder?
10. Name one alias used by the Millennium Falcon.
11. Which passenger cruiser was owned and operated by Kea Moll?
12. What does the acronym IRD fighter mean, and which organization designed and built them?
13. What is the Coral Vanda, and on which planet does it operate?
14. Of what class was the vessel Lusankya, where was it hidden, who took control of it and how did it destroy a wide area of Coruscant?
15. The engineer Lira Wessex was responsible for the creation of which class of warships?
16. How was the Mon Remonda finally destroyed?

1. What is the dominant sentient species of Yavin VIII?
2. On which planet is the continent Thon?
3. The Jedi Master Thon called a great gathering of Jedi Masters and Knights in which mountain on which planet?
4. After her resignation as the commander of her fleet, Admiral Daala led a group of colonists to the southernmost continent of which planet?
5. What is the alternative name by which Doornik-619, a planet in the Koornacht Cluster, is known?
6. To who is the Mindharp sacred?
7. What is the Flamewind, and on which planet does it occur?
8. In which sector is the planet Duroon located?
9. Where and what is the Blue Nebula?
10. In which region of the galaxy is the planet Abregado located?
11. Where and what is the Plawal Rift, and by what name was it formerly known?
12. Where and what is the Drinking Cup, and what is the name of the tapcafe constructed around it?
13. In which region of the galaxy is Tsoss Beacon?
14. Where and what is Nother World?
15. Which three sentient species live on the planet Mimban?
16. The Cloak of the Sith surrounds which planet?

1. Where and what were the Ascension Disorders, who resolved them and what was the resolution?
2. From which family of famous Jedi is Vima-Da-Boda descended?
3. The holocron of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas was passed down to which other famous Jedi, also known as the Gatekeeper of the holocron?
4. Who was Ulic Qel-Droma, when did he live and why did he lose favour with those he associated with?
5. Queen Rana was an ancient ruler of which planet?
6. On which planet did the Beast Wars occur?
7. When and what was the Second Battle of Calamari?
8. The space liner Kuari Princess was attacked by which infamous pirate gang?
9. Who were the Krath, and when and where did they rule?
10. Which crime lord led a gang of criminals in the Tawntoom colony on the dark side of Roon?
11. According to Huttese legend, how was their home planet, Varl, destroyed? How was it really destroyed?
12. During which emergency was it decided that as many Mon Calamari as possible would be evacuated to the Fifth Moon of Da Soocha? (name and number)
13. How and when was the Cron Drift formed?
14. What was the Massacre of Mendicat?
15. What was the Third Battle of Vontor, and what was the outcome of the battle?
16. The Dark Force was loaded with which class of then-revolutionary vehicles?

1. In which town and on which planet is the All-Human Free-For-All held?
2. In what manner does an Olabrian trichoid kill its victim?
3. What is the Huttese word for 'shoulder'?
4. What is the true name of Labria, also known as the 'Butcher of Montellian Serat'?
5. In what manner was the Butcher of Montellian Serat executed?
6. Which was the third book of the Dark Side Compendium?
7. How does Gemdiver Station retrieve corusca gems from the core of Yavin?
8. When Gaeriel Captison was killed, what vessel was she on board, and which other prominent military commander died with her?
9. Exactly where, when and how did Darth Vader first lose his hand?
10. With what alloy was the armour of Darktroopers made?
11. Native to the planet Alderaan, the arallute flower is planted in the garden of a newly-wed bride as a sign that she will soon have a child. What else is it used for?
12. From which outcast Jedi is Teneniel Djo descended?
13. Who is Teneniel Djo's daughter, and when and how did she lose her right arm below her elbow?
14. Which two forms of currency are legal tender in the Corporate Sector?
15. How is a literal 23 achieved in a game of sabacc?
16. Before he took on Obi-wan Kenobi, who was Qui-Gon Jinn's Padawan?