L o s t s c e n e s

While writing Star Wars, George Lucas conferred with colleagues regarding the film's overall plot. His friends suggested that he introduced the central protagonist early in the movie, and Lucas added additional scenes.

These scenes where not shown in the Original Star Wars movies

Feel free to donate any pictures or information not found on this page.

Episode 1, The Phantom Menace

- Naboo Swamp - Introductory sequence
Theed - Escape from Waterfall
Tatooine - Padme exits hovel
Tatooine - Anakin and Greedo's fight
Tatooine - Anakin say's goodbye to Jira

Episode 4, A New Hope

- Tatooine - Luke in Desert Wasteland
Tatooine - Power Station - Meeting with Biggs
Tatooine - Luke and Biggs - Biggs joins Rebellion
Mos Eisley - Cantina - Han's Girl friend

Episode 5, The Empire Strikes Back

- Hoth - Medical Center - Lukes recovery
Hoth - Rebel Base Ice Corridors - Wampa prison
Hoth - Rebel Base Ice Corridors - Wampa trap

Episode 6, Return of the Jedi

- Dune Sea - Sand Storm - Departure Tatooine
Death Star - Corridor To Emperor's Tower