Hey all. I think Obi-Wan is gonna have a huge role in the Clone Wars... }{ He'll save a couple of Jedi, and might save the Jedi from total defeat. There are gonna be clones in the clone wars...I'm just guessing between cloned SITH and cloned stormies (maybe both)...Plo Koon will probably have as big of a role as Mace Windu, and he might take out one of the sith (could take the place of mace in your dream script, with mace doing something else)...What happens to the Naboo starfighters...why does obi-wan use qui-gon's lightsaber (in rogue planet, which you absolutely HAVE TO READ)...I wonder who else can use electric judgement like Plo Koon can (Jedi Power Battles)...Plo or Mace or someone could take out Aurra, after she wreaks havoc. . .That would be a cool battle!I believe that Luke is somewhat the chosen one...Vader to change the tides, go sith, then kill emperor...Luke brings back the republic, jedi order, and turns vader back to the good side...Leia is definitely not the chosen one, but a strong one indeed...maybe we'll see the Katana fleet in 2 or 3...The Jedi will fight in a pretty big group...you don't send 2 jedi and leave the rest sleeping while 1000 stormies/sith attack a world...I think Luke's mom, amidala, has the force, and plays a huge part in them staying alive (remember the sad part that leia says about their mom?)... } I believe Luke is stronger in the Force than Anakin...anakin's force plus amidala's force=luke force...None of this woulda (in the star wars galaxy) happened without Luke...Luke basically shaped the galaxy...It's weird, you'd think the empire would be smart enough to get shielded craft, but you don't see them (Tie advanced, defender, gunboat, missile gunboat) until the games and the books...(remember Luke said "your confidence is your weakness" to palpatine...sorta reflects in the ships)...

OB1 left books on the force and lightsabers for luke, that's how luke built his lightsaber...you know OB1 was anticip ating his arrival (Luke's) and he probably believed he was gonna bring balance to the Force, which he did...Amidala sorta lacked character, though, in TPM...don't you think? that's what a lot of movie critics said... If you have any questions, or would li ke an opinion, anyone, just ask!!! PS. Luke getting married just doesn't seem right...to mara, that is. (Source: RogueJedi14)